Saturday, August 13, 2011

SJ Giants

We took Morgan to her first sporting event while Nana and Da were in town.  We had so much fun!  Morgan ate a hot dog and a churro (let's face it, the most important thing about a sporting event is the food!).  She did a pretty good job sitting for the majority of the game...

Morgan eating her hot dog.

Such a little lady with her legs crossed.
 ...until she discovered the kid's zone!  First, she was fearless in the bounce house, holding her own with kids literally 5x her age.  Then we discovered the giant inflatable slide, where she went down not once, twice or even three times.  She (we) went down 12 times!  After the first time, she pushed me out of the way and insisted on sliding down herself.  She loved the slide so much she started crying when the game was over and we had to leave.
My little daredevil!
Now I really want to get her a bounce house for her 2nd birthday!! 

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