Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The garden is producing so many delicious tomatoes lately.  We have been eating a lot of caprese salads with our dinners.  It is so nice to have such fresh and healthy food to go with whatever 30-minute meal I quickly prepare after work.


Tomatoes from the garden.  We picked enough to share with a neighbor today.  I wonder if they will actually eat them?!


I remembered to Embrace the Camera.

Momma Bear with my cutie pie!
 Another reason to be happy is that M's uncle Stephen was in town for the weekend! 
M, showing off for her uncle, hanging on the monkey bars!

Stephen and M enjoyed time at the park together going down all the big slides!

M loves her uncle Stephen!


So, this isn't in fact super funny, but M has been learning to climb (darn that boy at daycare who is teaching M this new trick!).  Her latest mission is to climb into her water table.  She hasn't quite accomplished this, yet (thankfully), but she is trying her best!  This picture literally cracks me up.

What's the big deal mom?!  I'm just playing with my foot in the water.

M: "Sock. Foot."  Momma Bear: "Yes, dear, you are very smart.  You are wearing a sock and your foot is in the water."


Fun and games were only part of the reason Stephen came up to see us.  He was also kind enough to help Donnieboy with some yard work!  The border of our property is made up of about 18" of hard dirt, with tiny rocks mixed in.  So, Don loosened the dirt and Stephen sifted out the rocks.

Don supervising.

This is seriously back-breaking work.  I know because I tried helping.  Once.  Hence the need to call in extra help!
M keeping an eye on things from her swing.  Eating raisins.

Not quite sure what the previous owners were trying to accomplish by putting a gigantic sheet of plastic under the dirt and rock, but the boys got it out!

M eager to help out!

 Up next for the border is grass!  Fresh dirt and seed are down.  Now we wait and see what grows!
Check out where I got the idea for this post here.
<center><a title="Like Mother, Like Daughter" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="round button chicken" /></a>


  1. I love that she's playing with one foot in the water! Such a classic little kid thing to do. It can't possibly be comfortable, but that doesn't stop her!
    It was exciting to see you linked up! Now I'm going to explore the rest of your blog. :)

  2. A water table!!! I didn't know such a thing existed! Holy Kafrump! I'm going to have to find one for my little girl; she loves the water play areas at our local children's museums. To have one at home could be heaven on earth for her!

  3. love your pics.
    i am especially in love with your blog header pic.
    we just watched "the beach" last night and it totally reminds me of that scenery.
