Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The garden is producing so many delicious tomatoes lately.  We have been eating a lot of caprese salads with our dinners.  It is so nice to have such fresh and healthy food to go with whatever 30-minute meal I quickly prepare after work.


Tomatoes from the garden.  We picked enough to share with a neighbor today.  I wonder if they will actually eat them?!


I remembered to Embrace the Camera.

Momma Bear with my cutie pie!
 Another reason to be happy is that M's uncle Stephen was in town for the weekend! 
M, showing off for her uncle, hanging on the monkey bars!

Stephen and M enjoyed time at the park together going down all the big slides!

M loves her uncle Stephen!


So, this isn't in fact super funny, but M has been learning to climb (darn that boy at daycare who is teaching M this new trick!).  Her latest mission is to climb into her water table.  She hasn't quite accomplished this, yet (thankfully), but she is trying her best!  This picture literally cracks me up.

What's the big deal mom?!  I'm just playing with my foot in the water.

M: "Sock. Foot."  Momma Bear: "Yes, dear, you are very smart.  You are wearing a sock and your foot is in the water."


Fun and games were only part of the reason Stephen came up to see us.  He was also kind enough to help Donnieboy with some yard work!  The border of our property is made up of about 18" of hard dirt, with tiny rocks mixed in.  So, Don loosened the dirt and Stephen sifted out the rocks.

Don supervising.

This is seriously back-breaking work.  I know because I tried helping.  Once.  Hence the need to call in extra help!
M keeping an eye on things from her swing.  Eating raisins.

Not quite sure what the previous owners were trying to accomplish by putting a gigantic sheet of plastic under the dirt and rock, but the boys got it out!

M eager to help out!

 Up next for the border is grass!  Fresh dirt and seed are down.  Now we wait and see what grows!
Check out where I got the idea for this post here.
<center><a title="Like Mother, Like Daughter" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="round button chicken" /></a>

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Embrace the Camera

Always wanted to create a post for Embrace the Camera day.

Take 1

Take 2, thanks to Don.

Visit the Anderson Family Crew Blog to see what it's all about.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Morgan discovered the hose this weekend.  Such a simple pleasure.

Yep, that's a barette in Morgan's hair.  Her hair is finally long enough to use one of those, although too early to actually "need" it.

So cute that she sits down to take off her shoes...

...and stick her feet in the water

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Peach Pie

Morgan's Grandpa came to visit this past weekend and as a treat, he bought us a peach pie.  He told us a few stories of the good ol' days, one of which included a slice of peach pie and two scoops of vanilla ice cream.

Heidi's Pies is a classic old school diner.  After commenting for nearly a year that "we need to try this place," we finally got to enjoy a great breakfast here.

Here is a picture of the peach pie.

I am already looking forward to dessert tomorrow night!

Monday, August 15, 2011


With all of these sleeping posts, you'd think that I had a little one who loved to sleep.  In fact, however, since putting her down at night is not exactly an easy feat, I get an extra bit of joy seeing her sleeping peacefully.  And, who am I kidding, a few minutes to myself after a long day isn't half bad, either.

I love how Morgan makes sure to put her baby to bed each night before she crawls in (or rather, I put her down).

This night was particularly comical as she insited on bringing Daisy into bed as well as a little stuffed polar bear in addition to her usual baby.  Have you ever heard a 19 month old say Daisy? Adorable.

Morgan was particularly lucky to have her Nana sitting next to her during a nap on the go.  Nana held her head secure so she could sleep without bobbing all over the place.
The reality though, of all of these sweet sleeping pictures is that even though her nights always start out in her crib, they usually end up on my side of the bed!

Morgan loves sleeping in with her dadda!

Time to rise and shine you two!

Doesn't seeing these pictures make you want a pair of super comfy jammies??

Who could resist snuggling up next to the purple princess for a few hours each morning before waking to the reality of another long day ahead....even if she only allows me 6" of space on the very edge of the bed??  I lied on my side for 5 straight weeks of bedrest for you, Morgy, I will lie on my side to sleep next to you always!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Morgan's Nana and Da were here recently.  She loves them so much.  She has been asking for them every day when we pick her up from daycare.  She also picks up the house phone, yells "yeyo" (hello) and then says NANA, DA, NANA, DA, YEYOOOO.

Morgan giving her Nana a kiss goodnight.

We can't wait for them to come back in September!!  We miss you Nana and Da!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

SJ Giants

We took Morgan to her first sporting event while Nana and Da were in town.  We had so much fun!  Morgan ate a hot dog and a churro (let's face it, the most important thing about a sporting event is the food!).  She did a pretty good job sitting for the majority of the game...

Morgan eating her hot dog.

Such a little lady with her legs crossed.
 ...until she discovered the kid's zone!  First, she was fearless in the bounce house, holding her own with kids literally 5x her age.  Then we discovered the giant inflatable slide, where she went down not once, twice or even three times.  She (we) went down 12 times!  After the first time, she pushed me out of the way and insisted on sliding down herself.  She loved the slide so much she started crying when the game was over and we had to leave.
My little daredevil!
Now I really want to get her a bounce house for her 2nd birthday!! 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fruit of Our Labor

I've been documenting the progress of our vegetable garden and I am just so happy with how everything is turning out despite it taking so long to finally get going.  Here are some pictures:

Our first, and biggest pumpkin.  Such an odd shape.  Will make for a silly jack-o-lantern.

Second pumpkin.  A bit more normal.

Third pumpkin.  The smallest one, but the best-shaped.  Hope it continues to grow!

One of two giant zucchini's.  It is almost ready to eat, just need to find the perfect recipe.  Any suggestions?

Our teeny tiny watermelon is getting bigger!

Lots of cucumbers finally starting to grow.  Can't wait to make cucumber water and rub these on my eyes. HA!

Last night we picked some ripe tomatoes to put in our salad.  That was so fun!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pretty Happy Funny Real

Linking up today to a blog I've been following recently.  I've also been wanting to partipate in their Thursday tradition.  Has been hard considering I don't post often.

Anyway, here goes...


View along our hike in Muir Woods
Morgan loves going to Chuck E. Cheese's (and eating pizza)!

She loves her Nana so much!

Yep, she brushes her teeth in the bath.

<center><a title="Like Mother, Like Daughter" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="round button chicken" /></a>

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Muir Woods

This past weekend Nana and Da were in town and we took them to Muir Woods for a little hike.  It was actually my first time at Muir Woods, too.  It was a typical NorCal day, very foggy and cool. 

Some trees as we approached the entrance.
 The amount of moss growing on the trees (and everything) was really neat to see and also very beautiful.
Our nature baby.

Morgan loves to hike.  She went up and down these stairs so many times!

 We spent about 3 hours hiking around the trails.  Morgan insited on walking for most of it, even though we had her stroller.  She even found a walking stick and was using it like an old pro.
The whole crew.
We tried to have lunch at Pelican Inn afterwards, where we'd been once before for a lovely evening, but, alas, the wait was too long for a tired baby.  Another day!