Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rehearsal Dinner

The following night we attended the rehearsal dinner for Patrick and Melina.  It was at Sam's Chowderhouse in Half Moon Bay, one of our favorite spots.

The dinner was held on the lawn below the restaurant, right next to the ocean.  It was a bit chilly, I have to admit, but I was too excited for my new dress to put on a sweater. :)

Kell and I

Don, looking good

Cracking that lobster

Kell waiting for her kid's meal and the little boy next to her eating her lobster.

Such a fun night out without the kiddos.  M was home for the second night in a row with her Nana.  I was definitely anxious to get home to her!  It was the fourth night without her I've had since she was born.

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