Thursday, September 29, 2011

Embrace the Camera

We took a family portrait to celebrate Morgan's 18 month bday and finally got the proofs back.  This week we're embracing the camera with all 3 of us!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Have I mentioned we're also growing tomatoes?!  Well we are and we have a ton of them!!  We decided to make some salsa using several dozen cherry tomatoes.  Why is salsa, especially when it's home made, so good??  I don't have a recipe.  I'm pretty sure we just googled salsa and made the one where we had all of the ingredients on hand.

Don picking the tomatoes

Food processor in action

10 seconds later and the salsa is done!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Halloween Sneak Peak

Someone in our house is dressing up as Minnie Mouse.

At least that was the plan when she picked out this costume!!  Do you think she will warm up to the idea of dressing up?  Today (besides crying) she just yanked on the sleeves and said "stuck."  I tried to bribe her with a lollipop, but even that didn't work!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Daddy's Helper

Morgan loves to help out around the house copy anything we do.  This past week Don replaced the doorbell and Morgan couldn't wait to climb the ladder help her Dadda.  We told her that Daddy was using tools so she went to her toychest and got her tools, then had to figure out a way to climb the ladder with tools.

Putting the screwdriver in her pocket.

Climbing the ladder.

Don putting up the doorbell.

It's so fun to see Morgan so anxious to copy us and hopefully this means she'll be a good helper when she's a bit older.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


We finally admitted to ourselves that our watermelon wasn't going to grow any bigger and cut it off the vine yesterday.

This is probably the most expensive watermelon ever to exist.  We enjoyed a whopping 2 bites after watering, organically fertilizing and, generally, babying it over the past several months.

But, hey, it looked, smelled and tasted like a watermelon so it was a success!

The watermelon, cut in half.

Don enjoying his bite.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

21 Months

Morgan turned 21 months over the weekend. Can't believe she is almost 2 years old! I can't get enough of her beautiful smile!!

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pretty Happy Funny Real

Doubling up today.

Our table setting at the wedding

M taking her baby for a walk

M eating a Ritz cracker and drinking milk out of a Ritz Carlton coffee cup.  Classy.

Because when you're with a 20 month old, 0.3 miles is a long enough hike!

Check out the ladies behind this idea here.

Embrace the Camera

It's not very often where Don and I get dressed up these days.  So, to embrace the camera this week, I am continuing on with the posts sans kiddo for a pic of me and Don at Patrick and Melina's wedding (more pics to come, with M present).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rehearsal Dinner

The following night we attended the rehearsal dinner for Patrick and Melina.  It was at Sam's Chowderhouse in Half Moon Bay, one of our favorite spots.

The dinner was held on the lawn below the restaurant, right next to the ocean.  It was a bit chilly, I have to admit, but I was too excited for my new dress to put on a sweater. :)

Kell and I

Don, looking good

Cracking that lobster

Kell waiting for her kid's meal and the little boy next to her eating her lobster.

Such a fun night out without the kiddos.  M was home for the second night in a row with her Nana.  I was definitely anxious to get home to her!  It was the fourth night without her I've had since she was born.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We had the pleasure of attending a week's worth of wedding activities for our cousin, Patrick and his bride, Melina.  One of the nights consisted was entirely dedicated to Indian traditions.  Melina's aunt and uncle hosted us at their house and my sister and I got the traditional henna designs on our hands.

Don looking on as I got my henna.

Kells' turn

Kelly got a very detailed and beautiful peacock design.  All of the design options were painted on a candle as you can see.

I got a much simpler paisley design

When we got home from the party, cousin K wanted henna, too, so Kelly painted her a butterfly.

So sweet. Cousin K had to sit still for 30 mins while the henna dried.

And, of course, Stephen wanted in on the action, too!
It is said that the darker then henna dries on your skin, the more love you have.  So, the bride's henna usually is very dark, as she has a lot of love for her new husband.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cousin Love

Pardon the interuption, we've had visitors!

M loves when her cousin comes to visit (I do, too)!  We showed M's cousin one of our favorite parks and the two girls had so much fun pl;aying together!

They are double trouble.

The two girls after they went down the slide together, literally holding hands.

Getting pushed on the swing by auntie KellKell

How sweet is this?!

The girls on our hike.  There is a trail right off the side of the park.  Perfect place to see some nature.  We saw 2 deer among other more common things!

Love that these two love each other so much!