Wednesday, December 8, 2010

M has a grill

There have been many signs pointing to the fact that my sweet baby M is turning into a toddler.  First, there is the fact that she is losing her baby fat!  My chunky monkey, rolley polley is thinning out.  Then there is the fact that not only can she crawl, but she is now beginning to stand up, while holding onto furniture.  But, the biggest sign is her sweet grill!  Over the past few months we have gone from this...
Ouch, mom!  This tooth coming in hurts!
... to this!
6 teeth!
M has a big gap in between her two front teeth, which leads me to ask, is that a good thing or a bad thing.  I'm leaning towards good and hoping that there is enough room for her adult teeth to come in.  But, that is hopefully way far down the line! 

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