Friday, December 16, 2011

Moving up!

Today is Morgan's last day in the Toddler class at school. Next week, it's official, she's a pre-schooler!
Last night, she heard us talking about school and, then, on her own, kept saying Ms. Sally and Ms. Helen's names. She really likes her Toddler teachers and I hope she can continue to build a relationship with them.
Here's a picture of Morgan leaving the house this morning. She loves to carry her own lunch, which is super heavy, and of course her baby. Doesn't she look like such a big girl?!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Footsies

Morgan and I did a really fun art project.  I saw this on pinterest a few months back and am so happy I actually followed through and did this craft with Morgan. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree!

I tried to go all Unskinny Boppy on you, but alas, could not get the same results.  Our tree is up though and looks amazing.  Got to post pics of the adventure we took to get the tree soon!

Morgan's 2010 handprint.  It is seriously amazing to see how much her hand has grown in the past year!

Love special ornaments to mark what was popular during the year.  This year, Mickey takes the cake!
A 2009 favorite!
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Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving + Bounce House!

We hosted Thanksgiving dinner this year!  It was awesome.  So nice to have everyone under our roof.

Oh yeah, and we have a bounce house now! Who wants to play?    Also, notice the City utility truck in the back ground.  That was for our busted sewer pipe.  On Thanksgiving. 

Morgan, being a daredevil!
K, helping a cousin out!

With my favorite girlies
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh, Hello Pretty!

Morgan turns 2 next week.  Holy moly!
Isn't she beautiful?!

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fall is Here!

Fall is here!  The leaves have (strangely) been falling off our trees for a while, but lately there are tons of leaves on the ground so I thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to have Morgan help me rake up some leaves and also have some fun with them!

We had fun burying her legs and feet and then finding them underneath the leaves.
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Monday, November 7, 2011

Grandma visits

Morgan's grandma from Chicago came to visit for a week over Halloween.  It was so fun to have her here.  We lucked out and had amazing weather.  We got to show her Morgan's preschool, take her to Morgan's Halloween parade and she helped us hand out candy on Halloween night.

Come back soon!

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Turns out that Morgan is not a huge fan of dressing up!  In fact, the picture below pretty much sums up her attitude towards it!  In all fairness though, Morgan was actually very sick on Halloween so she was a good sport for wearing the costume at all.

Below is a picture of Morgan trick-or-treating.  I helped her go to a few houses to get candy, but I don't think she understood what was going on so she wasn't very into it and after a (short) while, it felt strange to be holding her basket asking my neighbors for candy when clearly Morgan was not into it.

Here she is happy to be home...she probably knows that I will let her take off her costume now!

Ahhh.... a lightbulb went off!  Morgan saw us hand out candy to a few kids and she figured out what Halloween is all about.  She ran to get her basket and was trick-or-treating up a storm... at our house!  She kept saying "one more" and putting another piece in her bag.  It was super cute to watch!

Then she took over at the door and handed out candy to probably a hundred or so kids as they came by (except the super scary ones..mama helped with those).  All in all it was a very fun night.  Until 3 am when Morgan proved just how sick she was!
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Embrace the Camera

We went to the SF Zoo last weekend, and I took lots of super adorable pictures of my baby girl... and managed to get in ONE picture.  So here it is, I embraced the camera!

Morgan and I in the "outback" checking out the kangaroos.
Isn't she the cutest peacock?!  She knew exactly where to pose for these pictures!
Scary spider making a "rawwrrrr" sound
How cute is this?!  She met a little boy in the hay maze and held his hand while he guided her out of the maze.

Another friend at the prairie dog exhibit.

Morgan LOVES the merry go round.
We somehow managed to get her off after only two rides!
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Thursday, October 6, 2011