Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My kid is so smart. Take one.

It's actually these pictures that gave me the kick in the rear I needed to get this thing going.

Le Tigre does not have that baby face any more!

Le Tigre has turned into quite the good eater! In fact, I feel guilty eating in front of her because of the look of jealousy that she gets. Tonight, I heated up some dinner while she was taking her usual 6:30pm snooze and of course right as I was about to eat, she woke up. No problem, I thought, I'll secretly eat my food while I feed her (I'm still nursing and can do it one-handed). Le Tigre gets right to eating her dinner and I try to do the same. After two or three bites, she realizes that I'm eating and comes off the boob and gives me this look as if to say, "are you going to share?" A few seconds go by and she's back to it and so am I. Except this time, I only have one bite before she's off the boob again, smiling, and looking for a bite. The cycle continues and before long, she can sense my arm moving towards my food and is practically begging for me to share with her. Seriously, how does she know what I'm doing?!? By this point, I am cracking up, this feeding session is a lost cause (for both of us) and we decide to play with toys instead!
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Just Write

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now and have been waiting for the perfect timing.  First, I thought I'd do it after I got married.  But, then I got pregnant and the blog never happened.  Then, I thought I'd start blogging right when Le Tigre was born.  But, then I got busy and the blog never happened.

So, here we are, Le Tigre turns 8 months old tomorrow and I'm finally starting the blog.  The Baughman Diaries.